Baker’s Day
We have Baker’s day every Friday. Each child has a turn to be the ‘’Bakerman” and is asked to bring eats for his/her class. Please bring something savoury and healthy. This is a wonderful time for a parent and child to work together in the kitchen and make something special for the class. You will be notified when your child is the ‘’Bakerman.’’
Waste Materials
Please help us with any of the following waste materials for our art activities: Paper, cardboard, wine sleeves, bubble wrap, buttons, ribbon, material, lace, wool, pipe cleaners, foam chips, ice cream containers, yoghurt cups, crepe paper and confetti.
School equipment
If bits of our school materials come home in suitcases or pockets, please return them. The Montessori materials are very costly and it is important that the materials are complete.
Notices, children’s artwork, newsletters, invoices, receipts, birthday invitations and other items will be placed in your child’s locker or emailed to you. Please ensure that you check and clear your child’s locker on a daily basis.
We teach all the children never to touch someone else’s blood and we always use gloves to treat any wounds. All cuts must be covered with plasters. Staff are first aid trained
Sexual curiosity
It is not uncommon for children at various ages to become sexually curious. Our policy is to distract the child and watch for further episodes. We will inform the parents of the offenders and we will explain that parts of your body covered by your swimming costume are private and no-one may touch or look at them (except Mom, Dad, Doctor, Nanny).
We explain to the children that if someone tries to touch you in a private place, shout NO, NO, NO and tell an adult that looks after you. We advise parents never to over-react.
The children’s general ground rules
- Respect for others – you may not hurt (this includes hitting/kicking/biting/pinching/bullying) another child or disturb another child’s work.
- Respect for self – you may not do things that may endanger your safety.
- Respect for equipment – you must use the equipment with care and return it to it’s place ready for someone else to use.
- You must be shown how to work with the equipment before it becomes available for choice.
- We have daily ‘’grace and courtesy’’ groups. These groups demonstrate positive social behaviour which help the children adapt to life in a group and learn socially acceptable behaviour. (For example: how to say please and thank you.