
Nurture and Nature

We undertake to provide a safe and loving environment for your child and cherish him/her as an individual. Please read the school regulations carefully so that the general running of the school is understood by all.

Nurture and Nature Montessori, Bryanston

Fee conditions and payments

School fees are paid for 12 months of the year and are to be paid by the first day of each month. We reserve the right to deny admittance to any child whose tuition is not paid by the due date.

Interest will be charged on all overdue fees.

One month’s fees (refundable deposit) is due in order to secure your child’s position at the School. A term’s written notice (four month’s) or a full terms fees in lieu of notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the school.

A 7% discount will apply for second sibling who attends school during the same period and a 10% discount will apply for fees paid upfront for the year- Payment will need to be effected by 31 December.

Extra-murals are charged separately and must be organised directly with the respective companies (except for swimming where Nurture and Nature will invoice directly). Any additional educational talks, medical check-ups (hearing / sight tests) and class photos are optional and are charged separately.

School Hours

We offer four programs:

  • Half-day excluding holiday program:  7:00 – 13:30
  • Half-day including holiday program:   7:00 – 13:30
  • Full-day excluding holiday program:   7:00 – 17:30
  • Full-day including holiday program:    7:00 – 17:30


Both Half and Full day programs include a hot lunch and a snack is included in the afternoon for full day children. A late fee / adhoc aftercare charge will be charged for pickups after 13:45. You are welcome to make use of our aftercare facility on an adhoc basis. Please notify your teacher when your child is dropped off in the morning and remember to pack a pillow and blanket for your child.

Children are to be dropped off by 8:30. A late arrival causes a child to miss part of the work cycle and is also extremely disruptive for the class. If your child is late, please do not chat to the teacher or assistants as they are busy with the children.

If somebody else is collecting your child, please notify us in advance as we will not release your child until we have made contact with a parent.

Nurture and Nature Montessori


Please notify the school before 8:30 if your child is unable to attend school. A sick child or a child showing signs of illness may not be brought to school until he/she has fully recovered.

Should your child be on any medication such as antibiotics, please keep him/ her at home. We are not allowed to administer any kind of medicine at school. Should your child be absent due to a contagious or infectious illness, please notify the school immediately.

The children are taught to wash their hands after: using the bathroom, wiping their nose, before eating and whenever they are coughed or sneezed upon.

For our full COVID-19 protocols, please click here.

Healthy is happy so let’s try our best to keep our school that way!

Symptoms requiring removal of child from school:

  • Fever: Fever is defined as having a temperature of 37,8 degrees Celsius or higher taken under the arm (a child needs to be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school, that means the child is fever free without the aid of fever reducing substance-e.g. Panado.)
  • Fever AND sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhoea, earache, irritability, or confusion.
  • Diarrhoea: runny, watery, bloody stools, or 2 or more loose stools within last 4 hours.
  • Vomiting: 2 or more times in a 24-hour period. Note: please do not bring your child if they have vomited in the night.
  • Breathing trouble, sore throat, swollen glands, loss of voice, hacking or continuous coughing.
  • Runny nose (other than clear), draining eyes or ears.
  • Frequent scratching of body or scalp, lice, rash, or any other spots that resemble childhood diseases, including ringworm.
  • Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than we can provide without hurting the health, safety or well-being of the other children in our care

Note: If you are not sure whether or not it is okay to bring your child, please call ahead to ask us. We may require a doctor’s decision as to whether or not the child is contagious.

Nurture and Nature Montessori School

Snack Time

Please provide your child with a healthy snack and label his/her lunch box and juice bottle. No sweets, chocolates or fizzy drinks allowed.

Ideas for your child’s lunchbox:

  • Sticks of carrot, celery or cucumber
  • Fresh fruit (chopped)
  • Dried fruit (raisins, peaches, mango)
  • Little sausages, slices of biltong, sticks of cheese, boiled eggs
  • Muesli/seed bars
  • Sandwiches

The school takes no responsibility for lost juice bottles and lunchboxes and the children are encouraged to look after their belongings.


We believe that communication is essential and encourage every family to
speak with their child’s teacher whenever a problem arises, or something
occurs in the child’s life that may be significant.

Nurture and Nature Montessori have a strong focus on maintaining regular
communication with our parents:

  • Weekly class feedback reports sent by Child Cloud showing your child’s
  • Monthly updates sent to you regarding your child’s unique progress
    during the previous month on Child Cloud.
  • Weekly updates with photographs of school activities.
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Class WhatsApp group to share important information

Should an incident occur at school whether it be an injury or an incident involving another child, we will be in touch with you. This will be in the form of:

  • A direct message detailing the nature of the incident for small events
  • An incident report from the Principal when the incident requires more detail
  • A direct phone call in more serious matters
Nurture and Nature Montessori School

Detailed Termly feedback is as follows:

  • First term – Written report
  • Second term – Verbal report
  • Third term – Detailed written report on your child’s progress

We have a record keeping file which keeps an up to date record of all activities your child is working within the classroom as well as what your child’s activities are in the outside area. If you would like to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have, please talk to us during 7:30-8:00 am or chat to your teacher about setting up an appointment at another time.


Children should be dressed in clothing that they can put on and remove easily. This encourages independence and minimizes toilet accidents. The school will not be held responsible for clothes that become torn, misplaced or soiled, and encourage parents to dress your child in clothes that allow for them to paint, play and take full advantage of their school environment.

Please mark all clothing items and shoes clearly. Please supply a sun hat for your child that will be kept at school.

A spare set of clothing for emergencies must be kept in your child’s school bag. If your child is not toilet trained, please ensure you supply sufficient nappies and baby wipes in your child’s bag daily.

Birthday Rings

These are celebration days and we would like to make it extra special for your child. On the day of your child’s birthday, we have a special birthday ring for your child that we would love you to attend. You are asked to bring a cake or some cupcakes (or a healthy alternative and it will begin at 9:30am. Please liaise with your teacher to book a suitable date for your child’s birthday ring.

Please could you bring photographs of your child from each year of his/her life for our birthday ring. On the day of your child’s birthday ring we ask that you donate a book for our book corner. This book will be inscribed with your child’s name and will be presented at the birthday ring.


No toys are allowed at school, this is a distraction to the children and causes strife amongst them.

Vital information

Please keep us informed of any change of address, telephone numbers and change of legal guardianship.

Nurture and Nature Montessori, Dougasdale

Baker’s Day

We have Baker’s day every Friday. Each child has a turn to be the ‘’Bakerman” and is asked to bring eats for his/her class. Please bring something savoury and healthy. This is a wonderful time for a parent and child to work together in the kitchen and make something special for the class. You will be notified when your child is the ‘’Bakerman.’’

Waste Materials

Please help us with any of the following waste materials for our art activities: Paper, cardboard, wine sleeves, bubble wrap, buttons, ribbon, material, lace, wool, pipe cleaners, foam chips, ice cream containers, yoghurt cups, crepe paper and confetti.

School equipment

If bits of our school materials come home in suitcases or pockets, please return them. The Montessori materials are very costly and it is important that the materials are complete.


Notices, children’s artwork, newsletters, invoices, receipts, birthday invitations and other items will be placed in your child’s locker or emailed to you. Please ensure that you check and clear your child’s locker on a daily basis.


We teach all the children never to touch someone else’s blood and we always use gloves to treat any wounds. All cuts must be covered with plasters. Staff are first aid trained

Sexual curiosity

It is not uncommon for children at various ages to become sexually curious. Our policy is to distract the child and watch for further episodes. We will inform the parents of the offenders and we will explain that parts of your body covered by your swimming costume are private and no-one may touch or look at them (except Mom, Dad, Doctor, Nanny).

We explain to the children that if someone tries to touch you in a private place, shout NO, NO, NO and tell an adult that looks after you. We advise parents never to over-react.

The children’s general ground rules

  • Respect for others – you may not hurt (this includes hitting/kicking/biting/pinching/bullying) another child or disturb another child’s work.
  • Respect for self – you may not do things that may endanger your safety.
  • Respect for equipment – you must use the equipment with care and return it to it’s place ready for someone else to use.
  • You must be shown how to work with the equipment before it becomes available for choice.
  • We have daily ‘’grace and courtesy’’ groups. These groups demonstrate positive social behaviour which help the children adapt to life in a group and learn socially acceptable behaviour. (For example: how to say please and thank you.
Nurture and Nature Montessori, Fourways