Fee Structure


The 2025 fees are R55 200. Should you wish to pay upfront for the year, you will receive an 8% discount if paid efore 31 December 2024. If paying monthly, the fee is R4 600 and is due in advance before the 1 st of the month.
School finishes at 13.30 and includes a hot lunch.


Our afternoon enrichment program runs from 13.30 until 17.30 and includes an afternoon snack. The 2025 fees are R10 800. If paying monthly, the fee is R900 and is due in advance before the 1 st of the month. Should you wish to pay upfront for the year, you will receive an 8% discount if paid before 31 December 2024.
If you would like your child to attend aftercare on an ad hoc basis, the fee will be R100 per day and is billed at the end of the month.

Holiday program

We have a wonderful holiday program that runs throughout the school holidays. In 2025, we have 3 weeks in April, 1 week of half term in July, 3 weeks in August and a week in December. There is a yearly fee of R6 000 which covers all holiday programs throughout the year. This is payable in 12 monthly payments of R500 each and is due before the 1st of the month. Should you wish to pay upfront for the year, you will receive an 8% discount if paid before 31 December 2024. Please note that a change to exclude / include holiday program can only be made at the beginning of a term.

If you would like your child to attend holiday care on an ad hoc basis, the fee will be R220 per half day, R300 for full day and is billed at the end of the holiday.

Terms and conditions:

  • Fees are paid for 12 months and are due by the 1 st of the month.
  • Extra-murals are charged separately and must be organised directly with the respective companies (except for swimming where Nurture and Nature will invoice directly). Any additional educational talks, medical check-ups (hearing / sight tests) and class photos are optional and are charged separately.
  • One month’s fees (refundable deposit) are due to secure your child’s position at the school. A term’s written notice (four month’s) or a full term’s fees in lieu of notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the school.
  • A 7% discount will apply for second or third sibling who attends school at the same time.
  • We reserve the right to deny admittance to any child whose tuition is not paid by the due date.
  • Interest is charged on overdue fees

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