8 Secrets to Happy Children By Harley Manson

Nurture and Nature Montessori

As parents, we all want our kids to be happy, fulfilled, and at peace in their lives. And while we can’t promise them sunshine and rainbows all of the time, some major keys can help us to ensure they are feeling their best. 

If you’ve ever seen a parent who had a child that seemed effortlessly happy, and at peace in their lives and their environment, I assure you that wasn’t by accident. Even if the parent isn’t aware of how their techniques are working, there are habits and techniques at play that are helping them to be strong in their parenting game. If you are trying to up your parenting skills and help your kids to become happy and well-adapted, there are most definitely a handful of tips that will help you to get there.

1. They have a routine.
2. They don’t get everything they want. 
3. They are given a level of independence. 
4. They have happy parents.
5.They get quality time with their parents.
6. They are allowed to be themselves.
7. Their parents teach them gratitude. 
8. Their parents allow them to fail